Marcin C's profile

CapstoneDB_node project

About the project
A Capstone project from Curse The Complete 2024 Web Development Bootcamp on Udemy

I read a lot of books but after I finish reading them I often don't remember all the most salient parts of the book. So I started taking notes. This capstone project is built on this idea. My friend Derek Sivers has this fantastic website where he has all the non-fiction books he has read, his notes, his ratings and when he read them. The books are sortable by rating, recency and title. It's a such cool idea for a project so I'm including it as a capstone here in this course.

- Revise how to integrate public APIs into web projects.
- Gain more experience using Express/Node.js for server-side programming.
- Demonstrate ability to Create Read Update and Delete data in a PostgreSQL Database to persist data.
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CapstoneDB_node project


CapstoneDB_node project
